This was one of the key projects initiated by Noushin founder and CEO of Moonlight Trust.

The aim was to support women from ethnic minority backgrounds by helping them to build/develop skills and move closer to reaching their goals and aspirations.

The project is specifically designed to facilitate women to find their way back into business, employment and volunteering or simply enabling them to grow their self esteem and confidence to be a stronger version of themselves.

The programme aims to target those on low income or those who are economically inactive from underrepresented groups with free courses and workshops. Training which will allow them to;

- build confidence

- be more resilient

- develop employability skills

- support their well being and mental health

This support comes in all shapes and form, including bespoke sessions delivered by specialists such as; clinical psychologists and career consultants. Special guest sessions on leadership skills and raising aspirations delivered by some of the most renowned and inspirational guest speakers from across the UK.

Over 100 women have participated and benefitted from a 6 month delivery programme. 50% of the beneficiaries have been victims of domestic abuse with the remaining participants include refugee women, single mums, cancer patients, those with low income and mental health issues. Youth and graduates have also taken part. Our impact has been such that, 95% of our participants have successfully progressed to securing paid employment or moved into FE, HE or professional training and qualifications, and some volunteering opportunities. 100% have reported a significant improvement in mental health and confidence building.

Following the success of our Cohort 1 and 2 we have gained support and developed partnerships with Women's Centre, JobCentre, Leeds University, Go Higher, local Schools and community organisations. The projects also enables us to create links with local businesses offering mentorship and work experiences, as well as coaching beyond the programme, day trips to businesses and Universities.

This year Noushin, won Muslim Woman of the year for the dynamic range of projects Moonlight Trust has delivered because of the impact and inclusive nature of the project.

The project has been recognised at highest level, endorsed and featured in Yorkshire evening post, Asian Sunday News, Leeds Live, BBC and Islam Channel. A large number of the participants have become ambassadors, patrons and volunteers at Moonlight Trust, which has enabled and sustained support to continue the coffee mornings which bring about positive impact on the social aspects and integration which go beyond the funding aims.

Please continue to offer your support and donate to Moonlight Trust using any one of the methods below:

HSBC - Moonlight Trust

Sort code: 40-19-17 Account number: 21744380.


Online Payment - https://moonlighttrust.enthuse...

With your help, we can alleviate poverty, sickness, and social Injustice for some of the world's most deprived communities by providing aid and liberation. Together, we can brighten lives.