MoonlightTrust and Nousin Raja recognised by Kirklees Mayor!
Counsellor Masood honouring Moonlight Trust
28.3 million people in Afghanistan continue to need yoir help!!
Thank you to all who have donated to pur Afghanistan Appeal which is ongoing.OCHA has warned of an increase of nearly 50% in children suffering from malnutrition.
Half of Afghanistan’s population is facing severe hunger and Over six million adults and children are at brink of famine. 4000 children have died per month due to not having food and no one is talking about it! Afghanistan now has the largest number of widows per capita around the world.
Your donations mean everything! Donate at:
British Muslim Woman of the Year 2023
Congratulations to Noushin Aslam Raja our founder and CEO for winning Noor Inayat khan Muslim Woman Of The Year award at the 10th British Muslim Awards 2023! The host quoted "There is nothing wrong for simply being the best. The award is dedicated to women who have had to overcome extreme challenges and were able to demonstrate exceptional level of strength and leadership skills, creating wider impact on the society being an change maker" That is exactly what you have achieved with the support of amazing community and almighty.
The award honours the legacy of Noor Inayat Khan, first Pakistani female British resistance agent in France in World War II who served in the (SOE). The purpose of SOE was to conduct espionage and reconnaissance in countries occupied by the Axis powers, especially those occupied by Nazi Germany. She sacrificed her life on this mission."This award has a special place in my heart as it honours the legacy of my hero Noor Inayat. A strong woman valiant to her last breath was posthumously awarded the St Georges Cross for her sacrifice.
It has been a big night for Moonlight Trust. A supporter and business friend who was attending the event bought a signed copy of Lionel Messi's T-shirt and donated it to #MoonlightTrust !!! Huge Thanks!
"It goes without saying this Award is dedicated to my sisters in the camps who have been denied their basic needs. Deprived of privacy and dignity , living in inhumane conditions. These are the real heroes! I promise to keep pushing and fighting for you. If I am able to demonstrate a fraction of your strength, resilience, and courage. I will be grateful.Thank you to all those who work tirelessly behind the scenes, especially our volunteers and sponsors. This would not be possible without your ongoing support. Moonlight is no longer the story of my brother Moon and I. It is a collective endeavour of everyone! I am truly grateful for all your love and support. Keep supporting Moonlight Trust" Noushin
See more at: https://oceanicconsultingblog....
ThankYou House of Fragrance in Saville Town
Huge shout out to House of Fragrance in Dewsbury for matching donations of Prayer mats and boxed prayer caps for every purchase we made. Your donations will be distributed to the Muslim victims of torture and Famine. Please contine with your much needed donations . £7 for the mats and £10 for Qurans so we can work together
donate at
Urgent request for Prayer mats and Qurans from £7
We need a bit more of your kind help to get us over the line. Please can you donate £7/£10 so we can reach our target to purchase the prayers Mats abd Qurans . A local supplier has kindly agreed to donate some , however your help is still very much appreciated.
Donate Prayer Mats Tasbeeh beads and Dates
May your efforts be rewarded.
Your help is required to support the daily lives of Muslim survivors of slavery trafficking and exploitation This Ramadan and after Eid Donate your prayer Mats your Tasbeeh beads and some dates.
Please donate making sure everything is in Good condition. Please share widely with your friends and family You can continue your donation after Eid too. #moonlighttrust
Your spare changes translates into VITAL support needed in Calais
There are over 2000 refugees in Calais and they are stranded in the middle of jungle with no support and exposed to extremely hostile environment. They will not be able to survive without your support. We are only providing towards basic needs like food and water. No luxuries.
Please spare some change and donate at
with a reference of #Calais for the continuation of our support on grounds.
Calais Food Support for displaced families.
This Ramdhan we continue to feed refugees in Calais.
Food and water is one of the most wanted item for those living in camps and dire conditions.
£6.00 will feed a person for a week and £30 for a family of 5.
Last few days to reap the rewards
Every donation is multiplied. This Ramadan and use the last few daysto donate, small or big, make a big difference.
#Faith #Charity #Ramdhan #MoonlightTrust #prophetmuhammad
Support shakila to feed the hungry in pakistan with Eid Fidya
Shakila has started a fundraising page connected to moonlight. " I believe in the values that Noushin upholds and the 100%donations will translate into food parcels for the needy in Pakistan. Please help support Shakila and in turn support the poorest communities thisRamadan .
If You have apple pay you can make the donations within seconds. A few seconds of your time will save lives this Ramadan
Last few nights in Ramadan to attain untold rewards
Make your donation count In the last few blessed nights of Ramadan. Your donation will directly feed a whole family. From as little as £7 per person and £30 for a whole family.